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Performance Videos

Mighty Uke Day (MUD) June 2023

Legacy Ukulele Ensemble were thrilled to be able to attend and perform at Mighty Uke Day 2023 in East Lansing, Michigan.

Fun fact: In 2010 Peter Luongo and the Langley Ukulele Ensemble were featured in movie "The Mighty Uke" that was the inspiration for Mighty Uke Day

Waikiki July 2022 

"Craig and Sarah's Backyard Concert" performance and interviews at the Sheraton Waikiki (1 hour)

Las Vegas March 2022 

Performances at the Ohana Ballroom of the California Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas

Ukulele Festival Hawaii July 2021

Virtual performances - recorded individually at home

William Tell Overture


NAMM Grand Rally for Music Education Anaheim, CA January 2020


In the Mood


The Legacy Ukulele Ensemble directed by Peter Luongo

plus the Langley Ukulele Ensemble directed by Paul Luongo

William Tell Overture

Sea Cruise/Down on the Corner

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